2024 BOND

Dear Hornet Community,
Irion Independent School District is proud to announce that a bond election has been called for May 4, 2024. The bond election, totaling $55 million, aims to address three propositions that include renovations, construction, transportation, technology, and teacher housing.
The Facility Planning Committee, comprised of a cross-section of our community, developed the proposal. They met over several months to study and prioritize the needs of our school district. This has been part of a process the district administration began over a year ago, including countless hours of programming meetings, facility and growth studies, and gathering community input.
If approved by the voters, the bond will be used to finance $53 million for Proposition A, and $1 million each for Proposition B and Proposition C. The proposed projects include:
Prop A: $53M
• New elementary (Pre-K3 through 6th in one building)
• New library with multi purpose room
• New marching band practice lot
• Parking lot expansion
• Cafeteria expansion
• CTE/STEM classroom building conversion
• Safety and ADA updates
• Interior and exterior updates
• New bus and fleet vehicles
Prop B: $1M:
Technology Upgrades
(One-to-One replacement)
(Instructional device upgrades)
Prop C: $1M
Renovations to existing teacher housing facility
The total for the bond is $55 million; the average valued homestead in the District will see a school tax increase of approximately $75 per month. There will be no tax increase above the frozen level on the homestead of taxpayers 65 and older who have applied for and received the "Age 65 or Older Exemption."
Irion ISD encourages all eligible voters to participate in the upcoming bond election on May 4, 2024, and have their voices heard in shaping the future of the District. The deadline to register is Thursday, April 4. Early voting begins Monday, April 22, and runs through Tuesday, April 30.
I also encourage you to review the tax-impact calculator on this site to understand how the bond will impact you. I am grateful to the Facility Planning Community, and to each of you who support our kids every day. It's a great day to be a hornet!
Nikki Moore, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Irion County Independent School District